Dental Cleaning Haddonfield, NJ

Image of a woman's teeth being cleaned by a dental professional, at Haddonfield, NJ office.When you visit our dental professionals at Cleary Dental you can be sure that you are in good hands. In order for your dental health to thrive, we recommend that you visit our office every six months for a cleaning. During a cleaning, our dentist professionals will examine your mouth for concerns, remove build up of bacteria, and remove hardened plaque. Did you know that hardened plaque can only be removed by a dental professional?


To start your dental exam, our dentist will take dental x-rays of your mouth. In order to take an x-ray of your teeth and jaw bones, your body will have to be protected with a lead apron. Then you will have to grip a hard plastic placeholder in your mouth. Now your dentist can align the x-ray machine and then stand behind a protective barrier so that we are able to take photos of your mouth. Now the dentist can examine your mouth using a small mirror inside your mouth along with your x-ray photos. By taking x-rays, the dentist will be able to examine your jawbone, and spot less obvious areas that may have been affected by decay.


A dental hygienist will professionally clean your teeth using floss and other dental tools to remove hardened plaque. You may also receive a fluoride treatment that will help prevent cavities. Finally, we will polish your teeth with a paste that prevents cavities and also makes your teeth shine.


During the oral exam part of your cleaning, our dentist will inspect the crevices of your mouth including your teeth and gums. We will be looking for issues like overcrowding teeth or spots of decay in your teeth or gums. Dental cleanings are necessary for the dentist to be able to spot any problems that may arise such as cavities or gum disease. In order to prevent unknown issues from growing worse, it is important to visit us frequently. It is important to have your teeth cleaned every six months in order to maintain your dental health and keep it in a good place.


There are several types of dental cleanings. Prophylaxis is a form of dental cleaning and prophylaxis means to prevent disease. For this type of cleaning our dentists will use a scaler and water stream to remove plaque from all around the teeth. We recommend having this kind of cleaning every six months. We also offer deep cleaning treatments such as periodontal cleanings and gross debridement cleanings which can treat gums and excessive bacteria buildups.


Knowing the state of your teeth is important. Be sure to schedule dental cleanings every six months in order to prevent complications. Please let our dental professionals at Cleary Dental be your trusted care provider and consult with our office by calling (856) 428-3050.

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